Stop the Swipe Tax

End the Hidden Tax on a Tax

What is the Swipe Tax?

Every time you use a credit card, big banks charge businesses a swipe fee—a hidden cost that gets passed on to you in the form of higher prices. But it gets worse. These fees aren’t just applied to your purchase—they’re also charged on the sales tax you pay. That means every time you shop, you’re being taxed twice—once by the state and again by credit card companies.

A Tax on Floridians

Hidden Swipe Fees Cost Floridians $320 million every year. That’s $320 million dollars that are siphoned directly out of our economy, and straight to the credit card companies.

The Impact on Floridians

Why This Matters Now

With inflation already straining family budgets, hidden fees like the swipe tax make things worse. This is a double taxation scheme that forces Floridians to pay a fee just for the privilege of paying their taxes.

Help Spread the Word

Did you know? Every time you use your credit card, you’re paying a tax… on a tax. $320 million a year is taken from Floridians in hidden swipe fees. It’s time to stop the swipe tax!

Share this page and help us fight for fair pricing and economic freedom for all Floridians!

See What People Are Saying

Even during Florida’s sales tax holidays, big banks try to squeeze every penny out of consumers with hidden swipe fees. But there’s a way to fight back.

This Op-Ed breaks down how credit card companies profit off your tax payments—and why it’s time for lawmakers to put an end to the swipe tax.

Read the Op Ed